Samantha Carron, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

French, Languages and World Literatures
Other Titles: Sessional Lecturer
Office: CCS 375

Research Summary

Early Modern Feminist and Queer studies, 17th century women’s literature, New France and Ancien Régime, Canadian colonial literature and spirituality in 17th century

Courses & Teaching

FREN 221 Term 1 and FREN 215 Term 2


I am a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow. I was born and raised in France and moved to Canada in 2008. I just recently received my PhD at the University of Calgary in 2023. My current research focuses on the discursive representations of the female and “travesti” subjects, the critical and political scope of this image of the subject, and the way in which these representations negotiate the logic of the sex/gender system which maintains the hierarchical attributes and power dynamics in place in 17th century France.


PhD in 17th century Women’s Literature, University of Calgary (2023); Master of Arts (MA) in 17th century French Literature, University of Calgary (2017);
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in French and Spanish, the University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus (2014)

Selected Publications & Presentations

Book Chapters

Carron, Samantha, “Marie avant l’Incarnation (1621-1633) : une sainte ‘en devenir’ dans la      Relation de 1633”, dans Joy Palacios, Anne Régent-Susini et Emmanuelle Friant, Regard sur l’âme en Nouvelle-France : Histoire des spiritualités individuelles et collectives en espace colonial, Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024, pp. 109-124.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Carron, Samantha, “‘Love is Action’: les femmes autochtones dans le discours colonial de Marie     Guyart de l’Incarnation (1639-1672)”, Mouvances francophones, vol. 9, nº 1, 2024, pp. 2-  10.

“Se taire pour mieux plaire? Le paradoxe genré du silence dans la Correspondance (1626-1631)   de Marie Guyart de l’Incarnation”, Cahiers du dix-septième, vol. XX, 2023, pp. 1-25.

“Marie Guyart de l’Incarnation : Une femme d’action en Nouvelle-France”, Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies, nº 88, 2020, pp. 9-30.

Carron, Samantha, et al., “Practice-relevant research in the Canadian L2 classroom: A summary”, Notos, vol. 14, nº 2, 2019, pp 15-38.

Selected Grants & Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship,  June 2023-June 2025
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC/CRSH)
The University of British-Columbia – Okanagan Campus
($108,749 for a project titled “‘l’autre, c’est moi’: la fluidité du ‘je’ travesti dans le discours romanesque du XVIIe siècle”)

Graduate Studies Scholarship, 2022
University of Calgary. Graduate Award Competition
($5000 through the Graduate Award Competition to support my doctoral research)

Doctoral Fellowship, May 2021-April 2023
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC/CRSH)
University of Calgary
($40,000 for a project titled “‘Résistante de l’intérieur’: Portées critique et politique des textes de Marie Guyart de l’Incarnation (1599-1672)”

Canada-Alberta Official Languages in French Protocol, March 2022
Research and Linguistic Enhancement Scholarship in French
University of Calgary
($285.70 through the Languages, Literatures & Cultures (LLAC) Graduate Program to support my doctoral research)

Canada-Alberta Official Languages in French Protocol, March 2021
Research and Linguistic Enhancement Scholarship in French
University of Calgary
($850 through the Languages, Literatures & Cultures (LLAC) Graduate Program to support my doctoral research)

Canada-Alberta Official Languages in French Protocol, March 2020
Research and Linguistic Enhancement Scholarship in French
University of Calgary
($1265 through the LLAC Graduate Program, for research in the Archives of the Ursulines Convent in Quebec for my doctoral project. Archives research was not possible during Covid, so the grant was paid towards supporting my research instead.)

Travel funding from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, May 2019
University of Calgary
($1250 through the Profiling Alberta Graduate Students for a conference paper at the Université de Bordeaux, France, titled “Marie de l’Incarnation: l’assimilation du désir sexuel”)

Conference funding from LLAC Graduate Program, March 2019
Conference Award
University of Calgary
($1000 for a conference paper at the University of Victoria, Canada, titled “Marie de l’Incarnation face aux “petites sauvages”. Vision de soi ou vision de l’Autre?”)

Canada-Alberta Official Languages in French Protocol,  March 2019
Conference Travel Award
University of Calgary
($600 through the LLAC Graduate Program, for a conference paper at the Université de Bordeaux, France, titled “Marie de l’Incarnation: l’assimilation du désir sexuel”)

Travel funding from LLAC Graduate Program Conference Award, March 2019
University of Calgary
($600 for a conference paper at the Université de Bordeaux, France, titled “Marie de l’Incarnation: l’assimilation du désir sexuel”)

Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship, January 2017
University of Calgary
($3000 to support my Master’s research titled “Le Christianisme chez Corneille: Lumière sur la subversion morale”)

SSHRC Queen Elizabeth II Master’s Scholarship (SSHRC QEII), May 2016
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC/CRSH)
University of Calgary, Graduate Scholarship Office
($10,800 to support my Master’s project titled “Le Christianisme chez Corneille: Lumière sur la subversion morale”)

Research and Linguistic Enhancement Scholarship, March 2016
University of Calgary
($2000 to support Library Research at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) for my Master’s project titled “Le Christianisme chez Corneille: Lumière sur la subversion morale”)


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