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Nelly Oelke
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing
Office: RHS 118Office Hours: By appointment.
Phone: 250.807.9880
Email: nelly.oelke@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Integrated health systems and services delivery; primary health care; mental health; rural health; climate change and climate change events and mental health; integrated knowledge translation and implementation science.
Courses & Teaching
NURS 505 Healthcare Policy
NURS 597 Capstone Course
NURS 581 Leadership in Knowledge Application and Translation
Dr. Oelke graduated with her BScN at the University of Alberta. She received both her MN and PhD at the University of Calgary. Dr. Oelke has worked in a variety of areas in nursing practice (medicine, pediatrics, and public health) and nursing education. Prior to coming to UBC Okanagan she worked for the Health Systems and Workforce Research Unit with Alberta Health Services in applied research. She came to UBC Okanagan in 2011. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in nursing research, health policy, nursing leadership and community practice. As a health services researcher, her program of research focuses on integrated health systems with a specific in the area of primary health care. Specific interests include policy, interprofessional collaborative practice, primary health care teams, mental health and well-being and rural health.
Research website: www.nursing.ok.ubc.ca/research/integrated-health-systems-research-lab/
PhD University of Calgary, 2010
MN University of Calgary, 2004
Research Interests & Projects
- ND. Oelke (PI), D. Banner (Co-PI) & B. Fournier (Co-PI), “Building Resilient Rural Communities: Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change Events” The Interior Universities Research Coalition, April 2020 – March 2021.
- D. Banner (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Pressure injury in people with lived experience of Spinal Cord Injury,” CIHR Catalyst Grant: Patient-oriented Research January 2020 – December 2021.
- K. Rush (PI), E. Li (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Advancing Rural Health Through Digital Health Technology and Social Enterprise,” UBCO Eminence Grant November 2019 – October 2022.
- A. Wollf (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Guidelines for Healthcare Providers’ Application of Patient‐Centred Measurement Data in Practice,” BC SUPPORT Unit December 2019 – December 2021.
- D. Banner (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Organizational Factors that Foster Engagement-Capable Environments: A Study
of Health Research Networks,” CIHR July 2019 – May 2022. - ND. Oelke (PI), H. Gainforth (Co-PI), K. Plamondon (Co-PI), D. Banner (Co-PI), “Studying consensus methods in integrated knowledge translation to promote patient-oriented research,” BC SUPPORT Unit August 2018 – December 2021.
- ND. Oelke (PI), M. Breton (Co-PI), S. Montesanti (Co-PI), S. Johnston (Co-PI), C. Donnelly (Co-PI), “Supporting integration through primary health care teams: A comparative policy analysis across four Canadian provinces,” CIHR, MSFHR, and UBCO June 2018 – March 2021.
- ND. Oelke (PI), “Partnering to deliver a mobile Men’s Shed to rural communities in the southern interior of British Columbia,” SSHRC June 2018 – May 2021.
- MA. Lima (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Health systems and services integration: analysis of care networks coordination, care transition and patient safety,” CNPq, Brazil January 2019 – December 2020.
- K. Martin Ginis (PI), M. Jung (Co-PI), “Community Health Cluster,” UBCO Eminence Grant November 2017 – October 2020.
- ND. Oelke (PI), “Understanding initiatives to address mental health concerns in rural communities affected by natural disasters,” Killam Laureates July – December 2019.
- E. Munro (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-PI), “Understanding rural health services delivery: Southern Interior British Columbia” RCCbc July 2019 – May 2020
- C. Szostak (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-PI), “Understanding mental health experiences of adults 50 years and older living in the Similkameen: A qualitative study using photovoice,” South Okanagan Simikameen Research Committee June 2018 – May 2019.
- S. Ben David (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Service utilization among vulnerable youth: Testing a novel decision-making framework,” SSHRC June 2018 – May 2020.
- K. Plamondon (PI), There and Back Again: Experiences of healthcare transitions between rural communities and referral centres in Interior Health,” MSFHR October 2017 – March 2019.
- M. Teo (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-PI), “A multi-disciplinary, community-based group intervention for fibromyalgia: A pilot randomized controlled trial,” July 2017 – June 2018.
- J. Haggerty (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Policies and program innovations that connect primary health care, social services, public health and community supports in Canada: A comparative policy analysis,” CIHR and other multiple funders January 2017 – December 2018.
- ND. Oelke (PI), J. Savage (Co-PI), “Best practices for rural community-based mental health services and supports for adults 50 and over,” South Okanagan Similkameen Research Committee July 2016 – December 2017.
- ND. Oelke (PI), S. Evans (Co-PI), “Understanding collaborative community-based mental health services for adults 50 and over in the South Okanagan through an environmental scan and social network analysis,” South Okanagan Similkameen Research Committee July 2016 – December 2017.
- ND. Oelke (PI), “Implementing and disseminating experiential knowledge of mental wellness in urban Aboriginal adults aged 50 and over: A knowledge translation approach,” CIHR April 2016 – March 2018.
- C. Backman (PI), ND. Oelke (Co-I), “Safe and effective person-and-family-centered care practices during transitions between hospital-based care and home care– A mixed method study,” CPSI April 2016 – March 2017.
- ND. Oelke (PI), “Creating a research team to address mental health for older adults in rural communities in south central British Columbia,” CIHR, January 2015 – March 2017.
- ND. Oelke (PI), E. Suter (Co-PI), & MA. Lima (Co-PI). “Indicators and measurement tools for health systems integration: A knowledge synthesis,” CIHR, October 2014 – March 2018.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Lawrence-Bourne, J., Dalton, H., Perkins, D., Farmer, J., Luscombe, G., Oelke, N., & Bagheri, N. (2020) What is rural adversity, how does it affect wellbeing and what are the implications for action? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/19/7205
Lorenzini, E., Brigo, DF., Onwuegbuzie, T., Oelke, ND., & Adriane Cristina Bernat Kolankiewicz, ACB. (Accepted Sep 28 2020). Study and promotion of safety culture using mixed methods research. Frontiers of Nursing.
Locke, SR., Dix, G., Te Hiwi, B., Oelke, ND., Rush, KL., Berg, S., Dinwoodie, M., Jung, ME., & Martin Ginis, KA. (Accepted May 8, 2020). Improving diabetes care in the B.C. Southern Interior: Development of a community-university workplan. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. S1499-2671(20)30122-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjd.2020.04.003
Rasaih, J., Cummings, G., Oelke, ND., Grunier, A., Estabrooks, C., & Holroyd Leduc, J. (2020). Prefrailty in Older Adults: A Concept Analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103618
Nguyen, D., McLaren, L., Oelke, ND., & McIntyre, L. (2020). Developing a framework to inform scale-up success for population health interventions. Global Health Research and Policy. 5, 18.
Airth, L. & Oelke, ND. (2020). How Neoliberalism, Ageism and Stigma Drive the Lack of Policy for Older Adults’ Mental Health Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12618.
Oelke, ND. & Lints-Martinsdale, A. (2020). The Orange Declaration: Relevance for Canada. Australian Journal of Rural Health.
Lorenzini, E., Banner, D., Plamondon, K. & Oelke, ND. (2019). A call for Knowledge Translation in nursing research. Text & Context Nursing Journal. 28, Epub Nov 04, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-265x-tce-2019-0001-0004
Schill, K., Oelke, ND., Thurston, WE., Kurtz, D., & Page, S. (2019). Everything is related and it all leads up to my mental wellbeing: A Qualitative Study of the Determinants of Mental Wellness among Urban Indigenous Elders. British Journal of Social Work, 49(4), 860-879. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcz046.
Backman, C., Johnston, S., Oelke, ND., Kovacs Burns, K., Hughes, L., Gifford, W., Lacroix, J., & Forster, AJ. (2019). Safe and effective person- and family-centered care practices during transitions from hospital to home- a web-based delphi technique. PLOS ONE. 14(1), e0211024. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211024
Oelke, ND., Milkovich, L., & Whitmore, B. (2018). Using the AMSO Framework for Health Promotion in a Primary Care Network. Health Promotion Practice. Sep 18:1524839918801912. doi: 10.1177/1524839918801912.
Dias da Lima, MA., Müller de Magalhães, AM., Oelke, ND., Quintana Marques, G., Lorenzini, E., Feil Weber, LA., & Fan, I. (2018). Care transition strategies in Latin American countries: an integrative review Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem. EENFUFRGS 39:e20180119. doi: 10.1590/1983-1447.2018.20180119
Van Vliet-Brown, C., Shahram, S., Oelke, ND. (2018). Health in All Policies utilization by municipal governments: Scoping review. Health Promotion International. 33(4), 713-722. doi: 10.1093/heapro/dax008.
Acosta, A., Oelke, ND., & Lima, MA. (2017). Theoretical considerations of deliberative dialogue: contributions for nursing practice, policy and research. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 26, 4.
Suter, E., Oelke, ND., Lima, MA., Stiphout, M., Witt, RR., Van Vliet-Brown, C., Schill, K., Rostami, M., Hepp, S., Birney, A., Al-Roubaiai, F., & Marques, GQ. (2017). Indicators and measurement tools for health systems integration: a knowledge synthesis. International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(6), 4. doi: http://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.3931
Selected Grants & Awards
- Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia – Excellence in Advancing Nursing Knowledge & Research Award (December 2019); awarded to the 3 top nursing researchers in BC.
- Received Killam Research Fellowship (July 2019-Dec 2019).
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
- Co-Scientific Director, Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia
- BC Ministry of Health, Primary and Community Care Research Advisory Committee
- Rural Health Research Network Advisory Committee
- Health Standards Organization Maturity Index Working Group for the Integration Standard
- Health Standards Organization Technical Committee for Integration Standard
- Mental health in rural communities. EzRock Salmon Arm, January 28, 2020.
- Research study looking at Psychological impacts of climate change events. C.Szostak (PI) and Oelke, ND. (Co-I). CHBC Global Okanagan News at 5, February 14, 2019. https://globalnews.ca/video/4963210/ubco-to-research-psychological-impacts-of-life-in-wildfire-flooding-areas/
- UBCO Tackling Psychological Impact of Floods Fires In Keremeos. CBC Daybreak South, February 15, 2019.
- UBCO Tackling Psychological Impact of Floods Fires In Keremeos, CKNW Vancouver, February 13, 2019.
- UBCO Tackling Psychological Impact of Floods Fires In Keremeos. Keremeos Review, February 13, 2019. Available from https://www.keremeosreview.com/news/ubco-tackling-psychological-impact-of-floods-fires-in-keremeos/
- UBCO Tackling Psychological Impact of Floods Fires In Keremeos.Similkameen Spotlight, February 13, 2019. Available from https://www.similkameenspotlight.com/news/ubco-tackling-psychological-impact-of-floods-fires-in-keremeos/)
- UBCO Tackling Psychological Impact of Floods Fires In Keremeos. Penticton Western News, February 13, 2019. Available from https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/news/ubco-tackling-psychological-impact-of-floods-fires-in-keremeos/
- Major research grant awarded to Penticton research team to treat Fibromyalgia patients. CHBC Global Okanagan News at 5, December 4, 2017. https://globalnews.ca/video/3896749/major-research-grant-awarded-to-penticton-research-team-to-treat-fibromyalgia-patients
- Gratitude Project installs art into new Kelowna Police Services Building. News Release RCMP May 19, 2017. Available from: http://kelowna.bc.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=2087&languageId=1&contentId=51080 (news story on art installation, part of 4th year N414 student project, Instructor ND. Oelke)
- Nursing students aim to prevent depression. Kelowna News October 5, 2016. Available from: https://www.kelownanow.com/watercooler/news/news/Kelowna/16/10/05/UBCO_nursing_students_aim_to_prevent_depression_using_gratitude/ (news story on 4th year N414 student project, Instructor ND. Oelke)