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Meaghan MacNutt
Assistant Professor of Teaching
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Email: meaghan.macnutt@ubc.ca

Courses & Teaching
HES 100 – Foundations of Health & Exercise Science
HES 311 – Pathophysiology
HES 471 – Professional Ethics in Health & Exercise Science
I am broadly trained as a physiologist, with expertise in cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and sex-based exercise physiology, as well as in the responses to hypoxia/high altitude, air pollution, allergens, and thermal stress. My research has included lab- and field-based approaches, a variety of exercise modalities, and work on humans and other animals (mice, migrating salmon). Human research participants have ranged from sedentary to elite endurance athletes, including apparently healthy individuals and people with asthma and mitochondrial myopathy. I have also worked with athletes and clinical populations outside of a research context – managing a fitness assessment and concussion management program for varsity athletes; working in doping control with elite, international athletes; and conducting WorkSafe BC assessments for people suspected of developing occupational asthma.
As an educator, I work to equip students with the technical competencies of our discipline and to prepare them for collaborative, evidence-based professional practice. I aim to deliver an inclusive education that is as socially responsive as it is scientifically rigorous. This manifests in efforts to design and teach courses that support learning for all students, and that prepare graduates to work with – and provide appropriate, respectful care for – all people. Ultimately, I hope to inspire and prepare students to help build more equitable and inclusive health and exercise science communities.
BSc (Biology) – Acadia University, 2001
MSc (Zoology) – UBC Vancouver, 2003
PhD (Kinesiology) – UBC Vancouver, 2011
Research Interests & Projects
My professional activities are motivated towards equity and inclusive diversity across the health and exercise sciences – in research, education, and professional practice.
My research explores areas of potential bias in the primary literature and in learning materials. Current projects include quantifying the persistent sex/gender bias in the exercise physiology literature, and exploring representations of women, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ characters in educational case studies.
My work in curriculum development and educator outreach focuses on inclusive, equity-minded teaching and learning. I am particularly interested in encouraging and supporting educators to teach in ways that normalize a diversity of bodies and identities, and that disrupt harmful narratives about sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and body size.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Click here for a comprehensive list.
MJ MacNutt and M Welsh. (2020) Structure and function of Human Anatomy & Physiology at Quest University: an infographic. HAPS Educator. Aug 2020: 135.
MR Schaefer, E. McBride, RA Mitchell, KG Boyle, AH Ramsook, JH Puat, MJ MacNutt, JA Guenette. (2020) Effects of TurbineTM on ventilatory and sensory responses to incremental cycling. Medicine, Science, Sports and Exercise. 53(1): 192-199.
MJ MacNutt, CM Peters, C Chan, J Moore, S Shum, A. William Sheel. (2015) Day-to-day variability in cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxic cycle exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 40:155-61.
CR Carlsten, MJ MacNutt, Z Zhang, F Sava and MM Pui. (2014) Anti-oxidant N-acetylcysteine diminished diesel exhaust-induced increased airway responsiveness in persons with airway hyper-reactivity. Toxicological Sciences. 139(2):479-87.
MJ MacNutt, JL Rupert and AW Sheel. (2013) Haematological acclimation and re-acclimation to hypoxia in the mouse. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 189(1):153-61.
MJ MacNutt, PB Laursen, S Kedia, M Neupane, P Parajuli, J Pokharel, AW Sheel. (2012) Acclimatisation in trekkers with and without recent exposure to high altitude. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112 (9): 3287-94.
MJ MacNutt, MJ De Souza, SE Tomczak, JL Homer and AW Sheel. (2011) Resting and exercise ventilatory chemosensitivity across the menstrual cycle. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112 (5):737-47.
MJ MacNutt and AW Sheel. (2008) Performance of evacuated blood collection tubes at high altitude. High Altitude Medicine and Biology 9 (3):235-37.
JA Guenette, BC Sporer, MJ MacNutt, HO Coxson, AW Sheel, JR Mayo and DC McKenzie. (2007) Lung density is not altered following intense normobaric hypoxic interval training in competitive female cyclists. Journal of Applied Physiology 103 (3):875-82.
MJ MacNutt, JA Guenette, JD Witt, R Juan, J Mayo, DC McKenzie. (2006) Intense hypoxic cycle exercise does not alter lung density in elite competitive cyclists. European Journal of Applied Physiology 99:623-31.
MJ MacNutt, SG Hinch, CG Lee, JR Phibbs, AG Lotto, MC Healey, and AP Farrell. (2006) Temperature effects on swimming performance, energetics and aerobic capacities of mature adult pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) compared with sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:88-97.