Matthew Davis


Digital Humanities, English and Cultural Studies
Office: CCS 346

Courses & Teaching

DIHU 220-101, DIHU302-001/ENGL 306-001, IGS 501D-001


A native of Southern California, I received my PhD in English literature (with a certificate in Digital Humanities) from Texas A&M University in 2013. Before coming to UBC Okanagan I served as the ZKS-Lendrum Assistant Professor (Research) in the Scientific Study of Manuscripts and Inscriptions at the University of Durham,  a Ruth and Lewis Sherman Centre Postdoctoral Fellow at McMaster University, as a Lindsey Young Visiting Faculty Fellow at the University of Tennessee’s Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and as the Council of Library and Information Resources/Mellon Fellow in Data Curation for Medieval Studies at North Carolina State University. Additionally, I serve and have served as a technical consultant on several digital projects in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) sphere ranging from the medieval to the nineteenth century and as a metadata consultant on projects centered on the twentieth and twenty-first. I am the editor of two volumes dealing with the use of digital tools and methods for the study of medieval and early modern culture: Meeting the Medieval in a Digital World (with Ece Turantor and Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel) and New Technologies and Renaissance Studies III (with Colin Wilder).



Ph.D. - Texas A&M University (with certificate in Digital Humanities): 2013; MA - California State University, Long Beach: 2008; BA – University of California, Irvine: 2005

Research Interests & Projects

I’m interested in the networks generated by texts, people, and spaces, especially as they relate to medieval and early modern drama, late-medieval lay piety, post-Chaucer medieval poetry (in particular John Lydgate and Osbern Bokenham), medieval and early Tudor hagiography, and the existence of medieval literature in contexts beyond the codex book. Beyond the medieval I also think about digital space and what it means when we purposely cut ourselves off from the physical reality of the things we interact with, in particular digital preservation and presentation and the recovery of digital, physical, and informational palimpsests.

Selected Publications & Presentations

Edited Volumes

New Technologies and Renaissance Studies III (ITER and the University of Chicago Press). Invited editor with Colin Wheeler. (July 2022).

Meeting the Medieval in a Digital World, ed. Matthew Evan Davis, Tamsyn Rose-Steel, and Ece Turnator (Arc Humanities Press/Medieval Institute Publications). (2019) Includes authored chapter, “Content is not Context: Radical Transparency and the Acknowledgement of Informational Palimpsests in Online Display.”


“BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching” Joel Schneier, Timothy Stinson, & Matthew Davis. Digital Humanities Quarterly. 12:2 (Summer 2018).

“Lydgate at Long Melford: Reassessing the Testament and Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum in their Local Context.” Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures. 43:1 (January 2017).

“As Above, so Below: The Staging of the Digby Mary Magdalene.” Theatre Notebook 70:2 (Fall 2016): 74-108.

“Making More: The Medieval Electronic Scholarly Alliance as a Platform for Collaborative Work with Medieval Manuscripts Online.” Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture. 4:3 (Spring 2014): 112-116.

“Where Does the Catalog Go? Surveys of Old Printed Books, What We Can Learn from Them, and Why They Matter.” The Guild of Book Workers Journal 43 (2009): 64-72.


Ed., intro., and annot., The Digby Killing of the Children, for inclusion in The Broadview Anthology of Medieval Drama, ed. Christina M. Fitzgerald and John T. Sebastian (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, orig. pub. 2013).


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