Giovanni B. Grandi

Associate Professor

Currently on leave
Other Titles: Program Advisor of Philosophy
Office: ART 230
Phone: 250.807.8605

Research Summary

Early modern philosophy, history of economic thought

Courses & Teaching

Early modern philosophy, logic and critical thinking, Austrian school of economics


PhD, University of Western Ontario
MA, University of Windsor
Laurea, University of Bologna

Research Interests & Projects

Current research includes work on theories of perception in eighteenth-century Scotland, the reception of Scottish philosophy in the early nineteenth century (John Fearn and Mary Shepherd), and Condillac’s political economy.

Selected Publications & Presentations

Thomas Reid: Selected Philosophical Writings (editor), Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2012.

“Theories of Perception: Porterfield, Reid, Stewart, and Smith” in Aaron Garrett and James A. Harris (eds.), Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century: Mind, Matter, Metaphysics, and Method, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“On the Ancestry of Reid’s Inquiry: Stewart, Fearn, and Reid’s Early Manuscripts,” in Charles Bradford Bow (ed.), Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 77-106.

“Étienne Bonnot de Condillac” (with L. Falkenstein), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (September 2017).

“Distance and Direction in Reid’s Theory of Vision,” Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, 35 (2016): 465-478.

“Providential Naturalism and Miracles: John Fearn’s Critique of Scottish Philosophy,” Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 13 (2015): 75-94.

“The Extension of Color Sensations: Reid, Stewart, and Fearn,” in Patrick Rysiew (ed.), New Essays on Thomas Reid, New York and London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 50-79. Article originally published in Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 41-S1 (2011): 50-79.

“Hume and Reid on Political Economy,” Eighteenth-Century Thought, 5 (2014): 99-145.

“Reid and Wells on Single and Double Vision,” Journal of Scottish Thought, 3 (2010): 143-163.

“Comments on Daniel E. Flage’s ‘Berkeley’s on Contingent Necessities’,” Philosophia, 37 (2009): 373-378.

“Reid and Condillac on Sensation and Perception: A Thought Experiment on Sensory Deprivation,” Southwest Philosophy Review, 24 (2008): 191-200.

“Reid on Ridicule and Common Sense,” Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 6 (2008): 71-90.

“Reid’s Direct Realism about Vision,” History of Philosophy Quarterly, 23 (2006): 225-238.

“Reid’s Geometry of Visibles and the Parallel Postulate,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 36 (2005): 79-103.

“The Role of Material Impression in Reid’s Theory of Vision: A Critique of Gideon Yaffe’s ‘Reid on the Perception of the Visible Figure’” (with L. Falkenstein), Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 1 (2003): 117-133.


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