Dan Ryder

Associate Professor

Currently on leave
Office: ART 241
Phone: 250.807.9646
Email: dan.ryder@ubc.ca

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Research Summary

Philosophy of mind and cognitive science (esp. intentionality, mental representation & consciousness); theoretical neuroscience (esp. learning in cerebral cortex); metaphysics (esp. dispositions); philosophy of science.

Courses & Teaching

Philosophy of mind; philosophy of psychology; critical thinking; biomedical ethics.


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Dan Ryder’s Research Website


PhD, University of North Carolina

Research Interests & Projects

My areas of research interest range broadly within analytic philosophy, with special emphasis on philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and philosophy of science. I have also collaborated with Oleg Favorov on some work in theoretical neuroscience – see the SINBAD theory of the cerebral cortex. You can read abstracts for some of my papers or download the full versions by going here.

Selected Publications & Presentations

Dan Ryder (forthcoming), Models in the Brain – Accepted Oct. 2014 by Springer for their Studies in Brain and Mind series, ed. Gualtiero Piccinini. Switched to Oxford University Press as of Dec. 2014; accepted, with final edited manuscript due July 2016.

Dan Ryder, Justine Kingsbury, and Kenneth Williford, eds. (2012), Ruth Millikan and her Critics (2012). London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Dan Ryder (2009), “Problems of representation I: Nature and Role.” In Francisco Garzon and John Symons (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Psychology, London: Routledge, pp. 233-250.

Dan Ryder (2009), “Problems of representation II: Content.” In Francisco Garzon and John Symons (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Psychology, London: Routledge, pp. 251-279.

Dan Ryder (2006), “On thinking of kinds: a neuroscientific perspective.” In Graham Macdonald and David Papineau (eds.) Teleosemantics, Oxford University Press, pp. 115-145.

Oleg V. Favorov, Dan Ryder, Joseph T. Hester, Douglas G. Kelly, and Mark Tommerdahl (2003), “The cortical pyramidal cell as a set of interacting error backpropagating dendrites: A mechanism for discovering nature’s order.” In Robert Hecht-Nielsen and Thomas McKenna (eds.) Computational Models for Neuroscience: Human Cortical Information Processing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-64.

Dan Ryder (2009), “Critical Notice of Radu J. Bogdan, Predicative Minds: The Social Ontogeny of Propositional Thinking” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

Dan Ryder (2004), “SINBAD Neurosemantics: a theory of mental representation.” Mind & Language 19(2), pp. 211-240.

Dan Ryder (2004), “Neurophilosophy comes of age? Critical notice of Patricia Churchland’s Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy.” PsycCRITIQUES 49 (Suppl. 14), pp. 65-71.

Oleg V. Favorov and Dan Ryder (2004), “SINBAD: A neocortical mechanism for discovering environmental variables and regularities hidden in sensory input.” Biological Cybernetics 90, pp. 191-202.

Dan Ryder and Oleg V. Favorov (2001), “The new associationism: a neural explanation for the predictive powers of cerebral cortex.” Brain and Mind 2(2), pp. 161-194.

Dan Ryder and Oleg V. Favorov (2001), “Empiricist word learning.” (Commentary on Paul Bloom’s How Children Learn the Meaning of Words). Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(6) p. 1117.

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

I am an advisor to The Centre for Inquiry (both the Okanagan chapter and CFI Canada, including CASS). CFI is a charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of science, reason, and secularism.


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